Setting the Tone

Some people write New Year’s resolutions, others choose a word for the year, and most people don’t do either! I was feeling particularly philosophical on New Year’s Day this year, and decided that I would try to “set the tone” for the year.

I spent the day doing a little of a few things that I hoped I would do more of through the year. I tried to create a tasting platter for the year to come, if you will!

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Confident Knitting Projects, Winter

It’s hard to believe that we’ve nearly completed a year of Confident Knitting! It’s been amazing to see the myriad beautiful projects started and the new skills mastered by so many of you. We hope the book has given you a big confidence boost! Today, I’d like to show off some of the beautiful customer projects shared over in The Knitalong Hub this winter … from hats to homewares, some fabulous projects have come out of our last three knitalongs!

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Need a Little Mystery in Your Life?

How are things in your corner of the world? I always find this time of year a bit funny … no major holidays to look forward to, spring not yet arrived … a time of year where you need to work a bit extra to find some excitement, perhaps? If this rings true to you, you might like to know that this month’s Confident Knitting designer Carol Feller is about to kick off a mystery shawl knitalong. I think it sounds like just the thing to see off any late winter doldrums and occupy anyone looking for a new challenge post-Confident Knitting.

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